Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies

Papillomas are benign formations that can be localized on any part of the skin and mucous membranes. To remove them, various methods and methods are used - medications, medicinal plants, surgical removal. Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies is often used in the localization of formations on the skin and is done at home.

Folk remedies for papillomas are not always effective enough, so it is better to supplement them with other treatment methods.

treatment of papillomas with folk methods

Papillomas: what it is and how to treat it

Papillomas are benign neoplasms that result from increased proliferation of epithelial cells. They can appear anywhere on the body:

  • face - often near the eyes;
  • neck;
  • chest, abdomen, back;
  • lower and upper limbs;
  • anogenital zone;
  • the mucous membrane of the reproductive organs - the walls of the vagina and cervix in women, the penis in men;
  • mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

In most cases, formations are caused by papillomaviruses (human papillomavirus, HPV). The disease can develop in both adults and children.

The treatment has two main directions: the elimination of papillomas and the fight against viral infection (including strengthening the immune system). For this, different methods can be used, including traditional medicine recipes. The most effective is a combined approach to treatment, that is, a combination of different methods.

Folk recipes: pros and cons

The use of folk remedies is only one of the treatment options.

The main advantage of traditional medicine is accessibility. You can treat at home, although the treatment does not need special costs.

There are also disadvantages that limit the use of folk recipes:

  1. Getting rid of warts can take several months, it will not be possible to cure the disease quickly. But even with long-term treatment, there is no guarantee of success.
  2. The use of aggressive products can lead to skin burns and the development of other complications.
  3. In the treatment, contraindications to the use of certain medicinal herbs are often not taken into account, therefore, allergic reactions and side effects from the digestive tract may develop.

Therefore, treatment with folk remedies will not allow you to get rid of papillomas quickly. However, with the right approach, home treatment can be effective.

What principles should be followed when choosing a therapy:

  • a combination of funds for internal and external use;
  • account for contraindications to their use;
  • frequency of use.
In addition, it is recommended not to be limited to the use of folk remedies only, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to cure papillomas only with their use. It is much more effective to combine their intake with basic therapy (correcting lifestyle, strengthening immunity), and, if necessary, with drug therapy or surgical removal.


All folk remedies are divided into 2 large groups - for internal and external use. However, they do not exclude, but complement each other. A combination of internal and external agents is particularly relevant for the treatment of skin diseases that occur as a result of a weak immune system.

Free country recipes group,

general characteristics

What recipes can be used

For internal use

Medicines for internal use act systemically, that is, they affect all the organs and systems of the body.

For treatment, drugs are used that help the body fight a viral infection:

containing vitamin A and C;

Have immunomodulatory properties;

which has a corrective effect.

For systemic therapy, decoctions and infusions are often used.

For outdoor use

Medicines for external use are not absorbed into the general circulation, therefore they act locally on papillomas.

Methods are used that cause the rise to be destroyed. At the 2nd stage of the treatment (after the formation is finished), substances with reversible properties are used.

Local therapy is carried out with the help of lotions, applications, ointments.

out in the open air

You can remove papillomas on the skin with the help of celandine, lemon balm, garlic, green walnuts, medicinal fees. On their basis, ointments, applications, infusions for lotions and rubdowns are prepared.


Celandine juice contains alkaloids, vitamin C, organic acids (malic, citric, succinic), so the plant is often used to remove warts, papillomas and other skin formations.

Juice of fresh celandine grass should be lubricated with skin formations 3 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes. You need to repeat the procedure 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, the duration of the treatment is 2-3 weeks. Apply celandine juice carefully, but only on the papilloma area. Otherwise, you may get a skin burn.

celandine against papillomas and warts

Celandine - a popular remedy for skin neoplasms


The main chemical ingredients of lemon balm are acids (rosemary, chlorogenic) and essential oils. Recipes based on lemon balm herb are able to remove the reproduction of viruses and help well with papillomatosis. For local therapy, you can use an ointment based on lemon balm extract. Ointment recipe:

  • Mix 50 g of crushed lemon balm leaves with 100 ml of peach or castor oil;
  • stands 8 hours;
  • cook in a water bath for 30 minutes;
  • add 50 ml of glycerin;
  • cook for another 15 minutes.

The ointment can be applied immediately after cooling. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day.

Melissa against papillomas and warts

To prepare the ointment, take fresh lemon balm leaves.


Applications and ointments with garlic will help to remove papilloma. At home, you can make a garlic-based cream, for this you need to grind 1 clove of garlic into a pulp and mix it with a hypoallergenic hand cream.

Apply the resulting mixture to the skin, apply a gauze bandage on top and glue the patch. After 3 hours, remove the bandage and gently rinse the skin with water.

garlic against warts and papillomas

Homemade garlic-based cream can get rid of papillomas


To remove papillomas, you can use tincture of green walnuts. Recipe:

  • take unripe walnuts;
  • finely chop or pass through a meat grinder;
  • fill the glass container with ⅔;
  • add alcohol to the brim;
  • stands for 3 weeks;
  • strain through cheesecloth.

Lubricate papillomas with the resulting tincture 2 times a day. The duration of the treatment is several months.

green walnuts against papillomas and warts

Tincture from papillomas is prepared from green walnuts


For internal use, you can use recipes based on dandelion, lemon balm, medicinal fees. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from medicinal plants.


The herb and dandelion root have immunological properties, so the plant can be used internally to stimulate the immune system. How to make an infusion:

  • grind grass and dandelion root;
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped plant 150 ml of boiling water;
  • stands 12 hours;
  • pressure.

The infusion should be taken 50 ml 30 minutes after a meal. Dandelion infusion is contraindicated in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, an allergic reaction may develop, so it is recommended to test for sensitivity before taking the infusion.

collection of dandelions for the treatment of papillomas and warts

Dandelions are widely used in folk medicine, including against papillomas.

Medical fee

For treatment, you can use a collection of different ingredients: lemon balm, nettle and plantain leaves, dandelion root. How to prepare a decoction for internal use:

  • take 2 tsp. all plants;
  • pour them with 400 ml of boiling water;
  • cook in a water bath for 20 minutes;
  • strain and let cool.

The decoction should be drunk 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 50 ml. The course of treatment is 14 days.